Aug 30, 2014

DIY Earring Holder

Gather Supplies 
1) Assorted Wooden Embroidery Hoops
2) Choice of Fabrics 
3) Fabric Glue or other strong craft glue 
4) Scissors

Cut out a piece of fabric large enough to cover entire hoop. 

Paint inside of larger hoop with glue and place fabric face down. Insert smaller hoop on top of fabric adhering the fabric to the hoop. Pull fabric taunt while glue is still wet. 

Cut excess fabric off the back of hoop.

Use fabric glue to glue down edges and secure fabric to the second hoop. 

Hang earrings and Wah La! An adorable DIY earring holder! 

Aug 18, 2014

NYU Audition and Sight Singing

It's a freezing, February morning in New York City. I'm frantically scrambling around my hotel room and tripping over my mother to get ready for my 10:00 audition at NYU Steinhardt whilst trilling glass breaking high notes and blow drying my hair so it doesn't instantly freeze in the bone chilling cold outside. At this point I felt like a pro at auditioning. I'd already auditioned for 9 schools at the National Unified Auditions and at this point thought nothing would be intimidating anymore. But this audition was different... It was NYU! 

Months earlier, I had chosen to audition for NYU Steinhardt's Vocal Performance Musical Theatre program instead of NYU Ticsh's Musical Theatre program. I thought this way, I would have a smaller class and have the chance to delve into the classical or opera side if I wanted. Not until later did I realize that, being a Vocal Performance audition, I would have to sight sing music. I don't sight read. After two, quick smash course voice lessons on sight reading, I just knew I was finished. I took piano for 10 years, but that didn't help in such short notice. But I put on my big girl panties and told myself I would be determined to "fake it 'til I make it." Maybe my voice alone or "charming" dimples would win them over, cause there was no way I would be able to pull this one off. 

So we arrive by taxi at the little theatre past Washington Square. They'd just opened the doors and the lights in the lobby weren't even turned on yet. In the lobby there was another young man with bright red hair sitting with his binder full of sheet music and a girl behind a table handing out our papers. I'm a nervous wreck! My voice is dry. I keep drinking water. I'm humming trying to keep my voice semi-warm, and trying to remember all the "Do re mi's" I'd learned the past week. Oh the agony!!! 

"Sarah, they are ready for you."

Oh no! Here it goes! I'm going to embarrass myself with that sight reading. 

The two faces in the audience ask, "And what will you be singing for us today?" 

'"If I Loved You" from Carousel and "See What I Wanna See,"' I reply with a bright tone. If I knew one thing, it's that I knew these songs! What could possibly go wrong? 

"Oh how funny! We actually just did Carousel and See What I Wanna See last season."

Are you kidding? I've sang these songs for every college and half of them hadn't even heard of the last musical! And now these two esteemed professors are going to be comparing me to graduate students probably? Oh Lord Help me! 

I nod at the pianist and the music flows effortlessly. At least this pianist probably knows the songs by heart. 

And then... it happens. 

"There's a piece of music on the piano. Look over it silently for a minute and let us know when you are ready." 

Oh lord! What is this?! Do re mi so.... uh... uhoh! My eyes flailed over the notes on the page! I attempted to hum.

"Silently, please."

Oh well, okay... Here goes nothing. I half smiled half grimaced. The pianist played my starting note.

"La lalalala LA!!! La la luh luh lulu!"

I looked up at the man and woman in the audience. And made a face of my obvious embarrassment. The man smiled and the woman looked down at the papers in front of her. 

It's over! There's no way on earth they'll take me after that! 

I said thank you and that I'd hope to see them soon. And walked up the steps of the audience and into the waiting hug of my mother. 

"How'd it go?" (cheesy smile)

I respond with raised eyebrows, buldging eyes, and a frowny face. 


I get back home from New York. And weeks go by. I've gotten acceptance letters and I've gotten rejection letters. Some schools that I thought I had in the bag had declined me which didn't help my confidence at all. At this point, all I could do was pray! 

Then it came! My letter from NYU! I carefully opened up the envelope preparing for the impending rejection inside... "Congratulations!" Wait WHAT?!? I got in! NO WAY! OH MY GOSH! After that totally blacked out! Okay maybe not, but I might have hyperventilated just a smidgen. And the rest is history. I leave for the Big Apple in six days! And I'll spend the next four years with the other 17 students in my class learning the ways of the stage... And HOW TO SIGHT SING!!! Fingers crossed!
Officially part of the NYU Steinhardt Music Theatre Class of 2018. 


Aug 14, 2014

My First Love: Ballet

Seriously missing pointe shoes and tutus. And all the amazing people that the world of ballet introduced me to. I'm so thankful to have had ballet form me into the person I am today. At times, the studio was the only place in the world that I felt happy and it was the one place I could let go of everything I was thinking about and anxious about and focus on becoming the best dancer I can possibly be. Years ago when I realized that I would never have the legs long enough or body skinny enough to be a ballerina, I thought I would have to end up settling for a job that left me incomplete and bored for the rest of my life. Little did I realize that I would gain a passion for musical theatre where I can use all the technique I learned in the ballet studio toward a different form of art. As I enter into college leaving my home behind for the Big Apple in pursuit of my dream of the stage, I am reflecting on all the things that have impacted me in Mississippi and led me to the path I've chosen. And without a doubt my love for this art form is what sparked it all.

Aug 13, 2014

Baby Steps

Me? Well I'm Sarah Jewel Proctor from Jackson, Mississippi. The good Ole South! This southern belle is headed to New York City to start college in less than two weeks, and I wanted to share my journey with everyone. Here's to new beginnings and following your dreams.